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House Teams



Medieval & Majestic



Godly & Great



Honour & Glory



Mystery & Power

All of our house teams represent magical and mythical kingdoms. Each of them within their own right has the ability to interest and engage our children, who enjoy learning and discovering the story of their team.


Within each kingdom we have a community, which reflects the children within the team. We can find stories of courage, strength and aspiration with each one.

At St Thomas, our Houses promote a healthy and aspirational spirit  in a variety of activities that connect our children across all year groups, engaging them in meaningful relationships with one another. We make every effort to balance the Houses within all areas of our school but families are automatically members of the same House when they arrive.


House dojo points can be awarded to a child who demonstrates effort, shows improvement, or represents their House. Many House competitions are held throughout the year and children have the opportunity to enter events and achieve points towards their House team. Every event earns house points which are collected over the year and updated on the scoreboard.


Each House has two Year 6 house captains, engaged in promoting cooperation and healthy competition throughout the school. At the end of the year a prestigious House Cup is awarded to the House that accrues the most points.


Upon joining our school a child will:

  • Become an important part of our school community from their very first day

  • Engage in opportunities to lead, participate, and serve

  • Get to know children from all year groups

St Thomas CE (VC) Primary School
Sherwood Avenue




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