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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


The St Thomas Offer


Question: How can my child with SEND learn successfully at St Thomas CE (VC) Primary School?


It can be a worrying and challenging time when you realise your child has a special educational need or disability. Here at St Thomas we work hard with parents and carers, to ensure that we can provide an inclusive environment for every child. This means making reasonable adjustments so that children with special educational needs or learning difficulties can access the National Curriculum.


At St. Thomas, we follow the philosophy of adapted teaching, which involves adjusting instruction and removing learning barriers to provide all pupils the opportunity to meet year group expectations. Our school embraces this approach by considering how pupils learn and adapting the scaffolds, scale, structure, and style of each lesson according to need. This may include implementing changes in lesson structure to focus more on the learning approach rather than the task itself. We use scaffolding to provide essential support as students master new concepts and skills. Appropriate task planning ensures that resources match the needs of each student, considering the length of tasks, size of resources, type of exercise books, and tool choices. Additionally, we focus on the detail of tasks by varying the medium, audience, and purpose to both extend and support learning. This comprehensive strategy fosters a more inclusive classroom and promotes student engagement and motivation by recognising and addressing the unique learning profiles of each student. A small group of pupils with specific cognition and learning needs may require a more bespoke programme of study, which would be reflected in their Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP).


For certain pupils, a nurture-based approach to learning may be beneficial. This approach focuses on addressing emotional needs and development alongside academic learning. For pupils with this identified need, we have developed an in-school provision known as Roots and Shoots. Pupils who access this provision may have an EHCP to support their Social, Emotional and mental Health. Please see the link for more details.






When a child is experiencing anxiety, loss, or other trauma, their emotional needs may have to take precedence. To support these pupils, we have a provision called The Nest. Pupil's who access this provision may be referred to the Kirklees MHST (Mental health Support team) Please see the links for more details.





Blossom is our provision for pupils working on the engagement model or older pupils working toward Early Learning Goals. This provision allows opportunities for language development and learning through play. Pupils who access this provision may have an EHCP to support their cognition and learning needs. Please see the link for more details.








This is what the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2014) states regarding provision;


''Schools should assess each pupil’s current skills and levels of attainment on entry, building on information from previous settings and key stages where appropriate. At the same time, schools should consider evidence that a pupil may have a disability under the Equality Act 2010 and, if so, what reasonable adjustments may need to be made for them.'  


Please read our SEND policy and  Information Report below. There are also many documents mentioned within it, which are attached also. If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Meade (Head teacher), Mrs Goddard (Deputy Head teacher) or Mrs Bray (SENDCO). We will be happy to talk to you.

This document outlines our policy for Special Educational Needs and Disability at St Thomas, then continues with lots of information about the process of SEND across school.

This includes everything a child could learn between the ages of 0 and 5. For children with a SEND, we may use this document beyond the age of 5.

The curriculum for birth to age 5 for all children. If your child has a SEND, we may use this document beyond EYFS.

The curriculum follows on from the EYFS curriculum above (Development Matters), from around the age of 5.

All teachers at St Thomas CE vc Primary School are teachers of all children, including children with SEND. This gives an outline of our core role in school.

This document outlines how schools should work so that everyone, including children with SEND, have equal access and equal opportunities. Look also on our policies page on this website for related policies.

This approach is used in school and is included in our school policy. You can read more about it here.

We have to provide specific information regarding SEND on our website. This document shows what you will be able to find, mainly in our 'Policy and Information Report' at the top.

We all have a role in making sure all our children and safe, happy and healthy at school. The document gives you more information. Also see the St Thomas CE vc Primary School Safeguarding Policy on this website.



Our SEND leaflet for Parents aims to answer a few FAQ's from Parents in the most simplistic, jargon free way.






PCAN is an independent, parent-led forum in Kirklees for all parents and carers of children and young people with additional needs aged from birth to 25 years.


You will find lots of good information, links to social media for networking with other parents, and information about working in partnership with service providers across Kirklees. PCAN aim to improve services for children and young people with additional needs.


They welcome all parents or carers, whether you are just beginning to become aware that your child or young person may have additional needs, or if they have confirmed diagnosis or disability.


You can contact PCAN on:


Telephone:   07754 102336

Address:  PCAN, Suite 230, 6 Queen Street, Huddersfield HD1 2SQ






Parent Partnership are an organisation who offer support, guidance and advice.


The service is free and totally confidential and offers support to parents and carers of children and young people who have already been identified as having Special Educational Needs.


They also support any parents or carers who are concerned that their child may have Special Educational Needs.


KIAS can be contacted on:

Tel: 01484 225422





St Thomas CE (VC) Primary School
Sherwood Avenue




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