At St Thomas Primary School our aim is that every child will learn to write, and love to write, by being given real and exciting materials to inspire them; and by providing them with opportunities to write for different reasons and in different genres and contexts. We aim to provide all the children at St Thomas with support to write using quality first teaching and a clear, well planned progression across all aspects of writing at genre, sentence and word level. We understand that the spoken language, reading and writing are tightly interwoven and therefore we aim to use excellent reading materials and texts as well as examples of high quality writing to inspire children and to enable them to emulate these styles which helps children understand that their writing is for reading. We also aim to ensure language and vocabulary is built up from our youngest children through school using our own school’s outcome approach along with our own assessment systems to ensure our children are able to write at the best of their ability. Spelling and grammar is taught fluidly across writing lessons and discreetly using SPaG mats and the No Nonsense Spelling program and handwriting is taught and practised across the school in conjunction with phonics and spellings. We also recognise the importance of applying writing skills across the wider curriculum and plan regularly for this to take place.

Each teacher/ year group uses the objectives mapped out in the National Curriculum and the EYFS Framework as their foundation point and plan writing lessons against the school’s Progression Document which provides a yearly overview of the writing genres, both narrative and non-fiction, that they need to teach within. We plan our teaching sequence linked to our reading books, topic or current interests, alongside the overarching long-term plans. All this supports our the writing curriculum. Throughout school we recognise that language plays an important role in helping students understand curriculum content, as it is a vital link to writing. Teachers assist students to bridge from talk to writing, discussing the writing process and using meta-cognition to show them how we write. opportunities to practice oracy within all our writing teaching sequences and to support their thinking and organisation of writing. Spellings are linked directly with phonics for our younger children and Years 2-6 use the No Nonsense Spelling Scheme to support their teaching of the other spelling rules in the NC Statutory Guidance and spelling lists. The teaching of handwriting goes hand in hand to that of our phonics as the teachers model and children practice letter formation and a fluent joined style when ready. Grammar and punctuation is threaded and planned carefully across each teaching sequence and in context of the writing so that children can see the purpose and how it is used.
The formative assessment of writing is done on a daily basis using AfL and teacher knowledge, with Summative assessment done at the end of a teaching sequence in and Independent Write. Teacher assessment of each objective is to be entered into O Track when regularly and Summative judgements at the end of each term. Teacher’s will refer to the writing exemplification in Reception as well as the TAFS in Y2 and Y6 and other teachers may use the exemplification folders that have been developed for other year groups as a support for making judgements and to inform planning.

We want all of our pupils to enjoy writing and succeed in all areas of their writing lessons to enable them to access the wider curriculum and to gain vocabulary to support them not only in school but in their future. On going assessment informs the planning for and progress of all learners, with gaps and errors spotted and corrected during verbal and written feedback. Peer assessment empowers pupils to work collaboratively to judge the effectiveness of each other’s writing. Peers are also the audience to writing pieces, with the purpose of writing being clearly planned for. As our work is shared, the purpose is realised and the effects their writing has on that audience can be felt and experienced. Writing now becomes a tool for communication, entertainment, instruction, persuasion and discussion. The value of writing is lifted across the curriculum subjects, meaning a science report or historical fact-file is given as much value as a 5-part-story in terms of its written merits. Skills taught within our writing, spelling and handwriting sessions are applied and utilised.
Our writing curriculum aims to provide children with the skills and attributes to become confident and adaptable writers and to see the value and purpose of writing for their current and future selves.