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YEAr 5

Welcome to Year 5's Learning Page 


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Dear Parents / Carers and Year 5 children,

We hope you all had another enjoyable half term break and managed to have lots of fun and family time. The holidays come and go so quickly and now, can you believe, we're in our final half-term before the end of another school year. All Year 5 adults have enjoyed this school year and will be sorry to see this current year group move on. Our new recruit to the Year 5 support group has been Mrs Fatoki - affectionately known as Miss Effeff. She is loving working with everyone and has been a lovely addition to our Year group! We've still got lots of new learning to be done, which will be completed alongside many fun activities as well. A quick "heads-up"... in week 3 of this half term, the children will complete their final set of assessment tests, to contribute to their attainment levels, ready for Year 6! :-)​

Please feel free to come and speak with us with any questions, suggestions or concerns - we are always willing to listen and help in any way we can. You can contact us via the office, in the playground after school, or via  

All the best, Mr Sykes and Mrs Fullwood, plus all the great adults that are also supporting us!


           Our TOPIC . . . Groundbreaking Greeks

Our topic this term uses HISTORY as the main driver (the last topic was mainly Geography). Children will learn

about the different civilisations from the Ancient Greek era. We will also study significant people, such as

Aristotle and Pythagoras, alongside events such as the ancient Olympics! This project teaches children about

developments and changes over six periods of ancient Greek history, focusing on the city state of Athens in the Classical age, and exploring the lasting legacy of ancient Greece. We will celebrate all things Ancient Greek before the Summer holidays (10th July) by having a dressing up day and taking parts in lots of activities linked to this topic. Have a think about what your child could wear.

English: We are going to start the half term by looking at Suspense stories - cliff hangers!!. Following that we will conclude our Writing lessons by planning our own biographies - reflecting on their time at St Thomas, and Year 5 in particular.

Maths: Our final half term studies negative numbers, and then moves on to units of measurement. The White Rose Maths website has lots of free support and guidance, plus we always suggest children use the BBC Bitesize for effective teaching guidance as well. 

Reading: Our focus book last half term was the ever-popular book by Michael Morpurgo - Born to Run. In line with our Ancient Greek topic; we end the year reading Who Let the Gods Out, which will evoke lots of interest and imagination.

Science: This half-term, our Science is "Properties of Materials" and is exactly that! Our lessons investigate the different types of materials (eg; fabric, wood, rubber, metal...) and how different properties helps to categorise or identify each material. It's an interesting unit of Science and will involve some very fun and challenging lessons of investigation.

Music: All the songs from this year will be reflected upon, keeping an integrated approach to music where games, the dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing instruments are all linked. 

PSHCE:  Year 5s will end their PSHCE lessons discussing drugs common to every day life and how they can affect our health.

RE: In RE we continue to follow the National Curriculum for R.E., and link to the British, and school's, key values. St Thomas Day will also be celebrated this half term, which is always a lovely day in and around school. This is the 4th July.

Computing: Designing, writing and debugging computer programmes are this half-term's Computing lessons.

A&D: Children have completed their Art lessons and are now studying architecture, so should be testing and creating designs!

PE/Sport: Both classes will be doing athletic themed sports, in readiness for sports Day, and Swimming continues for 5S.

MFL: Pupils are speaking, reading & writing in French with increasing confidence, using the iLanguages learning scheme. Merci!

Home Learning

We are still using a paper-based homework if requested besides actively using Kahoot and Seesaw. Homework is sent out weekly  to consolidate our understanding from lessons, alongside some more fun online tasks. Paper homework can be given out to anyone requesting it but we have stopped printing it for everyone as the returns doesn't justify the cost :-/ 

We would like more pupils to take ownership of this essential extra learning, and hope that adults in their home are able to support this.

Spring test scores varied greatly and we feel sure the Home Learning supports progress. Week 3 of our final half term is when we complete our Summer Tests, so hopefully the children will be ready.

Please can you also ensure that your child reads 4/5 times a week at home – with an emphasis on reading for pleasure.

Reading books need returning every Thursday, which need to have signatures and comments in the Reading Record Booklet.

If children want any extra help, from home, with any subject at all levels - ASK, but also...;
         BBC BITESIZE is a fabulous web-based resource that will help with any topic within the curriculum. 


Thank you for your continued help and support.
Please do not hesitate to get i
n touch with the Year 5 team if you have any questions or queries, 

Mr Sykes and Mrs Fullwood.  


Here is your Year 5 Class Charter challenge sheet. You can also download a copy by clicking on the image.


If you can share any knowledge relating to our topic we would love to hear about it, plus if you have any skills (and time) related to the lessons we would do our best to include you in an afternoon with the children! 

St Thomas CE (VC) Primary School
Sherwood Avenue




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