YEAr 5
Welcome to Year 5's Learning Page

Dear Parents / Carers and Year 5 children,
We hope you all had a restful break over Christmas, with lots of fun and family time. We welcome the children back for the new year - 2025!
In December we bid a very fond farewell to Mr Spickett and wish him all the best in his well-deserved retirement. We are also very excited to welcome Mrs Reed to our year group team! She is moving from Y3 to join Y5. We have lots planned for the Spring term and we look forward to some better weather as we head into Spring.
Please feel free to come and speak to us with any questions, suggestions or concerns - we are always willing to listen and help in any way we can. You can contact us via the office, in the playground after school, or at year5@stthomas.org.uk
Best wishes from Mrs Fullwood, Mrs Jones and the Year 5 Team.

Our TOPIC . . . Sow, Grow, Farm.
Our topic this term has a geography focus, where the children will be learning about various types of farming,
both in the UK and around the world. We will learn about seasonal eating, allotments, the WW2 Dig For Victory
Campaign and be making soup as part of our linked DT project too.
English: We are going to start the term by writing emotive descriptions, using a very interesting book called 'The Arrival' by Shaun Tan. We will later move on to writing poetry based around Allotments, then performance poetry, focusing on works by the poet Benjamin Zephaniah. We will also write non-chronological reports and persuasive adverts (both linked to our Sow, Grow, Farm project) as we move further through the term.
Maths: We begin by completing our Fractions learning, then revisit Multiplication & Division before moving on to Decimals & Percentages, followed by Perimeter & Area and finally Statistics. Y5 maths builds upon what was learned in Y4, while further developing their understanding in preparation for Y6. The White Rose Maths website has lots of free support and guidance, plus we always suggest children use BBC Bitesize as well.
Reading: Our focus book to start the the Spring term is 'Hacker' by Malorie Blackman. We will later move on to 'Friend or Foe' by Michael Morpurgo, listening to the audio book as we work through the text.
Science: This term we will be learning about Human Reproduction & Aging. This builds upon the lessons about Puberty taught at the beginning of the term. In this science topic we will learn more about the characteristics of mammals and the various stages of development in the human lifecycle.
Music: Our music lessons follow the Charanga programme. This term our focus songs are 'Make You Feel My Love' by Adele, then later 'The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air' by Will Smith - always a popular choice!
R.E. We continue making links with the British Values and also our School values. This term our focus will be Hinduism, with the focus question: What do different Hindu people believe about God?
Computing: Our Spring topics are: Video Editing, followed by how to use Flat-File Databases.
A&D: Children will begin their Line, Light & Shadows topic by developing various sketching and painting techniques, before moving on to exploring Nature Art.
D&T: In our DT project Eat The Seasons, children will have the opportunity to research, design, make, taste and review seasonal soup recipes. Delicious!
PE/Sport: Both classes will do PE with Dom (from Huddersfield Town) on Mondays. 5J continue swimming until Spring half term, then 5F will begin, swimming until the end of the year. 5F also have additional PE on Wednesday afternoons.
MFL: Pupils continue their speaking, reading & writing in French with increasing confidence. Tres bien!
Home Learning
Homework is sent out weekly to consolidate our understanding from lessons, alongside some more fun online tasks. We would like more pupils to take ownership of this essential extra learning, and hope that adults in their home are able to support this. Dojos will be given to children who return completed homework.
Please can you also ensure that your child reads regularly at home – with an emphasis on reading for pleasure.
Reading books need returning every Thursday, which need to have signatures and comments in the Reading Record Booklet.
Thank you for your continued help and support.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Year 5 team if you have any comments, concerns, or questions.
Mrs Fullwood & Mrs Jones.
Here is your Year 5 Class Charter challenge sheet.