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YEAr 5

Welcome to Year 5's Learning Page 


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Dear Parents / Carers and Year 5 children,

We hope you all had an enjoyable summer break, with lots of fun and family time. The children have had a great start to Y5, impressing all the adults with their excellent attitudes to learning and exemplary behaviour both in the classrooms and around school! We have an exciting year ahead of us, beginning with out Ancient China Day in the Autumn term - look out for a text for more information. 

Please feel free to come and speak with us with any questions, suggestions or concerns - we are always willing to listen and help in any way we can. You can contact us via the office, in the playground after school, or at  

Best wishes from Mrs Fullwood, Mrs Jones and the Year 5 Team. 

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           Our TOPIC . . . Dynamic Dynasties

Our topic this term has a history focus, where the childern will be learning about the Shang Dynasty of Ancient

China.  We will also study significant people, such as Lady Fu Hao and her impact on China at that time. This

project teaches children about the longevity of the Shang Dynasty and it's place within ancient civilisation. 

We have already learned about Chinese New Year and will enjoy our China Day  this term. Children will have the

chance to try Chinese writing, food tasting, using chop sticks and much more besides. They can wear red, gold or yellow clothes on this day. 

English: We are going to start the term by working on writing descriptions, linking to our China topic. We will later move on to writing diary entries, linking to our Y5 reading book 'Holes'. We will also write newspaper reports as we move further through the term. 

Maths:  We start by looking at place value, then move onto addition & subtraction, then multiplication & division and finally fractions. Y5 maths builds upon what was learned in Y4, while further developing their understanding. The White Rose Maths website has lots of free support and guidance, plus we always suggest children use the BBC Bitesize as well. 

Reading: Our focus book to start the year is 'Holes' by Louis Sacher. This is always popular with the children and we may also watch the film too! We will later read another brilliant book 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Q Rauf. 

Science: This half-term, our Science is Forces and Mechanisms. It's an interesting unit of science and will involve some very fun and challenging lessons of investigation. Following that, the next science unit will be Earth & Space, where children can learn more about the planets in our solar system. 

Music: Our music lessons follow the Charanga programme. This term our focus songs are 'Livin' on a Prayer' by Bon Jovi and then Classroom Jazz, as we move towards Christmas. 

RE: In RE we continue to follow the National Curriculum for R.E. making links with the British Values and also our School values. We begin the year by learning about Sikhism. 

Computing: Safely sharing information, then vector drawing are this term's Computing topics. 

A&D: Children have completed their learning on colour mixing, using tints tones and shades to paint real and fantasy landscapes. We later will use clay to make Chinse Taotie masks. 

D&T: Our DT lessons will focus on moving mechanisms, allowing us create our own monsters!

PE/Sport: Both classes will do PE with Dom (from Huddersfield Town) on Mondays. 5J continue swimming until Spring half term, then 5F will begin. 5F also have additional PE on Wednesday afternoons outside. . 

MFL: Pupils continue their speaking, reading & writing in French with increasing confidence. Tres bien!

Home Learning

Homework is sent out weekly  to consolidate our understanding from lessons, alongside some more fun online tasks. We would like more pupils to take ownership of this essential extra learning, and hope that adults in their home are able to support this. Dojos will be given to children who return completed homework. 

Please can you also ensure that your child reads regularly at home – with an emphasis on reading for pleasure.

Reading books need returning every Thursday, which need to have signatures and comments in the Reading Record Booklet.


Thank you for your continued help and support.
Please do not hesitate to get i
n touch with the Year 5 team if you have any comments, concerns, or questions.

Mrs Fullwood & Mrs Jones.  

Here is your Year 5 Class Charter challenge sheet. 


If you can share any knowledge relating to our topic we would love to hear about it, plus if you have any skills (and time) related to the lessons we would do our best to include you in an afternoon with the children! 

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