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YEAr 1

Welcome to Year 1's Learning Page


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Dear Parents/Carers and Year 1 children,

7 weeks left of Year 1, Wow! It’s important to think how far your children have come and the progress they have made. Keep an eye out for school reports towards the end of the year and transition information.


Our PE days will continue to be on a Wednesday for 1L and Thursday for 1M. Reading books and library books will continue to be changed on a Friday. We cannot stress enough how important it is that you are reading with your children 4x a week. The phonics screening check will be carried out in week 2 so please keep practicing at home.

Our Topic this term is continuing with:


Our PE days will continue to be on a Wednesday for 1L and Thursday for 1M. We will be covering the unit Target, Control, Combine, this unit focuses on pupil’s hand eye and foot eye coordination skills linked to sending and receiving.



This half term in Year 1 we will continue with our main history driver project, School Days’, where we will continue to explore in detail all about the children’s own school and locality, both today and in the past. They will compare schooling in the Victorian era to their experiences today.



In science this half term the children will be learning all about animals, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and invertebrates. They will be given the opportunity to identify and describe their common structures, diets, and how animals should be cared for.



In RE this half term we will be exploring how and why we care for others. Our big question will be, ‘Who is the more important person?’.



In RSHE we are exploring how we can look after each other and the world. We will discuss how kind and unkind behaviour can affect others and how to play and work co-operatively with others. In addition to this, we will look at how we can look after and care for animals and the environment.



In English this half term we are going to be thinking about descriptions and report writing, setting the half term off with a crime scene. With this, we are still continuing to focus on our handwriting, using our phonic knowledge to write words correctly and ensuring we always re-read our work to make sure it makes sense.



In DT we will be starting a project called Street View. It teaches children about artwork depicting streets and buildings and focuses on the work of the American pop artist, James Rizzi. They will be creating a 3-D mural based on Rizzi's work.




In Maths this half term we are focusing on fractions of halves and quarters. Then moving onto place value within 100, the children have previously looked at place value to 10, 20 and 50. We will be learning about money and value of different coins. Please can you ensure that children have an understanding of the different coins, look through your wallet with them and talk about 1ps, 10ps etc. Our final topic in maths will be time. If you have not already we suggest getting your child a watch or a clock for their bedroom so they can become familiar with time before we start teaching it. Thank you.


Please also do get in touch if you would like to be one of our mystery readers, Fridays at 2:45pm.

Mrs Littlewood & Miss Madigan and the Year 1 team.

Here is your Year 1 Class Charter challenge sheet. You can also download a copy by clicking on the image.

St Thomas CE (VC) Primary School
Sherwood Avenue




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