YEAr 6
Welcome to Year 6's Learning Page
Our Topic this half term is: Mafaa
If you can share any knowledge relating to our topic we would love to hear about it, plus if you have any skills (and time) related to the lessons we would do our best to include you in an afternoon with the children!
Our Project : Mafaa
n the Maafa project, your child will learn about Africa today and the ancient kingdoms that thrived on the continent for thousands of years. They will learn about the origins of the transatlantic slave trade in the 15th century and Britain’s involvement from the time of Elizabeth I, when John Hawkins became the first British slave trader. Your child will understand the structure of the transatlantic slave trade and the consequences of enslavement for enslaved people. They will also discover how the people of Britain benefited from the money and goods produced by the slave trade. They will learn about the causes and consequences of the abolition of slavery in the 19th century, the worldwide African diaspora and the European colonisation in Africa. They will explore the lives and actions of black people in 20th century Britain. They will understand how the Race Relations Act of 1965 became the first piece of British legislation to tackle racial discrimination and know that the Equality Act 2010 provides people with protection against racism and other forms of discrimination, today. Your child will also explore the lives of black people who have made significant contributions to Britain and will celebrate black culture in Britain today.
Science: In the Circulatory System project, your child will revisit prior learning about the systems in the human body and the seven life processes. They will explore the role of the circulatory system and its main parts, carrying out research to answer their own questions. They will look closely at the structure, functions and features of the heart. They will learn about the components and functions of blood, making a representation of a separated blood sample. They will draw and label diagrams of each type of blood vessel and learn about their structure and function. They will test their resting heart rate using a variety of methods. They will investigate whether having a lower resting heart rate means you can sprint faster. They will recap the four types of exercise and test which raise their heart rate the most. They will recap what they know about healthy eating and the Eatwell guide, exploring foods that fall outside the Eatwell plate and recommended daily amounts of foods. They will research the effects of smoking, alcohol and drugs on the human body. They will complete their learning by carrying out an investigation into heart rate recovery.
This half term PE will be on Wednesday and also Friday. Please ensure pupils are in the correct school PE kit, with no logos and plain or house tops. It's The ‘evade invade capture’ unit has an important focus upon pupil's movement skills. Pupils consider how they can use evading and invading skills to find space, retrieve objects and score points. The learning in this unit builds on fundamentals in KS1 and LKS2 and will prepare them for other units which focus on attacking and defending and invasion games.
This essential skills and knowledge project revisits learning about colour theory, including primary, secondary, tertiary, complementary, analogous, warm and cool colours, hues, tints, shades and tones. They learn about the use of colour in four art movements before using this knowledge to create a painting with personal meaning.
DT: This project teaches children about processed food and healthy food choices. They make bread and wrap fillings and learn about the benefits of whole foods. They plan and make meals as part of a healthy daily menu, and evaluate their completed products.
This essential skills and knowledge project revises the features of Earth, time zones and lines of latitude and longitude to pinpoint places on a map. Children find out more about map scales, grid references, contour lines and map symbols. They learn about climate change and the importance of global trade. Children analyse data and carry out fieldwork to find out about local road safety. They study patterns of human settlements and carry out an enquiry to describe local settlement patterns.
This term we will focus on place value, number knowledge and the four main methods. Pupils will practise their arithmetic and apply their understanding of numbers. By November we will have covered Fractions and begun thinking about our SATs tests, having done a practice paper.
English and Reading
Year 6 will begin the year reading Kensuke's Kingdom. We spent the first two weeks enjoying the text and creating pieces of art and written work based on the chapters. We then start reading the book Gorilla Dawn, a powerful story that follows child soldiers in the Congo. We'll use this text to support our writing, with diaries, descriptions and argument texts created. Our final text will be Hidden Figures. This book was adapted into the film of the same name. It follows the true story of the inspiration women who helped NASA put men in space and onto the Moon.
Homework and Seesaw.
We will aim to share homework every two weeks, with both Seesaw and printed sheets used. Please look out for these and the regular updates.