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YEAr 2

Welcome to Year 2's Learning Page 


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Dear Parents / Carers and Year 2 children,

We hope you all had an enjoyable half term holiday and managed to have lots of fun and family time.  As a team we are really looking forward to the half term ahead with lots of fun and learning along the way. 

Please feel free to come and speak with us with any questions, suggestions or concerns- we are always willing to listen and help in any way we can. You can always contact us via the year 2 email -

All the best,

Mrs Washington, Mrs McGregor and the rest of the Year 2 team.

Our Topic this half term is:

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Magnificent Monarchs

Our main project teaches children about the English and British monarchy from AD 871 to the present day. Using timelines, information about royal palaces, portraits and other historical sources, they build up an understanding of the monarchs and then research six of the most significant sovereigns.



Animal Survival

This project teaches children about growth in animals by exploring the life cycles of some familiar animals. They build on learning about the survival of humans by identifying the basic needs of animals for survival, including food, water, air and shelter.

ART - Portraits and Poses

This project teaches children about portraiture. They analyse the portraits of Tudor monarchs and compare Tudor portraits and selfies today. They use photo editing software to create royal portraits.

Design Technology

Cut, stitch and join

This project teaches children about making and strengthening structures, including different ways of joining materials.

Push and Pull

This project teaches children about three types of mechanism: sliders, levers and linkages. They make models of each mechanism before designing and making a greetings card with a moving part.


In PE there will be two units each focusing on 3 different words React, Roll, retrieve and Run, Jump, Throw the first unit focuses on equipment to support the development of movement speed, as well as skills related to striking and fielding games. The second unit focuses on perfecting skills and working as part of a team.

RE - How and why do people pray?

In Religious EducationAn introduction to how Christians and Muslim pray. Pupils should develop an understanding of the importance of prayer to those who belong to that religion.

PSHE - What helps us grow and stay healthy?

In PSHE, we will look at a healthy diet, how to look after our teeth and how important sleep is in keeping us healthy.

Music - Friendship song

All the learning is focused around one song: Friendship. music is taught through games, focusing on pulse, rhythm, pitch etc. The children have the opportunity to sing and playing instruments.

Computing - Digital Photography

Children will learn to recognise that different devices can be used to capture photographs and will gain experience capturing, editing and improving photos. Finally , they will use this knowledge to recognise that images they see may not be real.

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In Maths this half term we will learn about Fractions. The children will look at 1/2, 1/4, 1/3 and 3/4 in a shape and as a quantity. After the fractions unit we will learn how to tell the time to 15 minutes and measurement.



In English, Our reading lessons will focus on building up fluency and deepening the children's understanding of what they are reading. We will start with a recipe and move on to Winnie's new computer.


At the beginning of the half term the children's writing will be based on our PSHE. We will be looking at healthy recipes and writing instructions. Once the children have learnt about the different monarchs, we will write descriptions and letters.

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Here is your Year 2 Class Charter challenge sheet. You can also download a copy by clicking on the image.

St Thomas CE (VC) Primary School
Sherwood Avenue




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