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YEAr 2

Welcome to Year 2's Learning Page 



Miss Madigan- Class teacher

Mrs McGregor - Class teacher

Miss Cherelle- Special needs assistant

Mrs Mulla- Teaching Assistant

Dear Parents / Carers and Year 2 children,
We hope you all had an enjoyable October half term and managed to have lots of fun and family time.  As a team we are really looking forward to another exciting half term in Year 2.
Please feel free to come and speak with us with any questions, suggestions or concerns- we are always willing to listen and help in any way we can.
All the best,
Miss Madigan, Mrs McGregor and the rest of the Year 2 team.

Our Topic this half term is:

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Movers and Shakers





Our topic this half term has a Geography focus - Let’s Explore The World. This project teaches children about atlases, maps and compass points. They will learn about the characteristics of the four countries of the United Kingdom and find out why there are hot, temperate and cold places around the world. They will also develop their fieldwork skills. 



This project teaches children about remarkable recipes involving food technology. We will be learning about the different kitchen utensils we have and what we use them for. We will also discover why some foods are cooked and learn to read a simple recipe. The children choose and make a new school meal that fulfils specific design criteria. We will learn to chop, slice, mash and cook vegetables.



Our Science topic this half term is Habitats where we will explore different habitats and what they need to provide.



Our PE days will be on Tuesday and Thursday we will be working with the children on the skills of ‘Throw, prepare, catch’. This unit has an important focus on the children’s hand eye coordination. They will consider how they can use ‘throw, prepare, catch’ to successfully throw a range of different objects in a variety of ways.




In RSHE this half term curriculum will have a focus on bullying. We will look at what bullying is and how to deal with it.



In our Maths lessons we are continuing to learn about addition and subtraction within 100.



In our English lessons we will be using our topic ‘Movers and Shakers’ to write a recount and a set of instructions.



In Phonics we will continue our phonics scheme called Essential Letters and Sounds. We will focus on the alternative graphemes for phase 5 sounds. In. Please return reading books and bookmarks every Thursday as these will changed within the phonics lesson on Friday.




We will be using Seesaw as our online learning platform for homework as well as any wow moments we would like to share. We also ask that you, as parents, share things with us too. The children love to share their photos with the class. The log in details will be sent home ASAP. We like to use this site daily so please check regularly for updates of your child’s learning. We usually send a text if there is something exciting to look at.

Please do feel free to say hello and get to know us and we look forward to getting to know yourself and your child over the next few weeks.

Here is your Year 2 Class Charter challenge sheet. You can also download a copy by clicking on the image.

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